Want To Satisfy your Buy-Curiosity? Martin Lindstrom Explains How


Why do trends take hold?  Why do we buy? And if we’re in a double-dip recession, why can’t you get a parking space at the mall?   When the New York Times tells us luxury goods are still moving despite economic woes (Retail Sales Rise… http://nyti.ms/qMwHlR) what gives?

In his best seller, Martin Lindstrom lifts subliminal advertising  from urban myth (see 1957: http://yhoo.it/o2Qp00)  to the respected halls of neuroscience.   In this quick-read on the rituals influencing behavior and the psychology behind why we buyDr. Oz‘s review of the book sums it up best:

“Why do rational people act irrationally? Written like a fast paced detective novel, Buyology unveils what neuromarketers know about our decision making so we can buy and sell more insightfully.”

Here are a few of our favorite things:

¤ Cigarette warning labels actually make people want to smoke more.

¤ Sex doesn’t really sell, controversy does (anybody hear that Casey Anthony was asked to pose nude for Huster Magazine?)

¤ We instinctively copy people (ever think yawning is contagious?).  It’s not you — it’s your mirror neurons

¤ Rituals and superstitions have a tremendous influence on buying behaviors

¤ Attractive models in ads appeal more to same-sex readers and watchers

…Check out this slide show for some more key points about the book.

And then, just because we’re curious, tell us, do you think it will make you a savvier shopper…or a more manipulative marketer?


If you liked Buyology, your are going to love Brainfluence. This book will give you actionable insights how to utilize Neuromarketing in your day-to-day work as a marketer. Excellent stuff.