Archives for Business Strategy

What kind of ad agency service do you need?

Agency services and client needs have changed As we meet with prospective clients we’ve noticed a shift in the structure of the agency-client relationship that is causing confusion.   Classically, companies had marketing departments headed by a Sales and Marketing director. That person would usually work with an ad agency, and they shared a common language and understanding of the
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How to budget paid social media

How much should you spend on paid social media campaigns? One of the questions we get asked most often is “How much do I spend on paid social media?” Meaning mostly Facebook and Instagram. There are a couple of things to understand about how we charge and why we charge the way we do. Traditional media costs vs. social media
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Is Your Marketing Mix Missing This?

Are you missing one of the most powerful tools in your marketing mix? There’ s a really powerful tool that people like to leave out for a really dumb reason. What I’m talking about are programmatic banners. We’ve all seen banners on websites that we go to, they’re at the top, they’re on the side [that’s called a skyscraper] , we
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What is lead generation?

  What is lead generation? What is lead generation, what do I mean by that? In short, it’s sales. Let me give you a quick example. One of our clients is the Yale School of Management. They have a course that only requires 90 students. But we generated last year 5035 leads for their admissions funnel. That allows them to be highly
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Should you hire an agency or an in-house team? Ask these 6 ½ questions.

I run a boutique agency in New York, but believe it or not, sometimes I’ve counseled existing clients to move services in-house instead of going through us. Think that’s nuts? The truth is there are some projects and services that are better handled in-house, and at the end of the day, I’d rather our clients come to us for the
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5 SEO lies that are killing your ranking

Here’s a (heavily edited) pitch email I got recently from a service offering to optimize my business site. Can you spot the 5 lies?   “Dear TempoStrategic, Are you missing potential new business that’s looking for you?  I was just running an analysis of your site, and found that your search rankings could be improved dramatically. We have a
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3 Reasons we say “no” to new business – and why we say ‘yes’

One of the most defining qualities for any company is whom you accept and reject as a client. Why reject any client? Why would anyone in this hyper-competitive world reject a potential client? Because whom you consider a ‘right’ customer is a reflection your principles, your goals and your reason for being. How do you know who’s right for you?
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How to set up an email campaign for retail results

Today’s email platforms make it so simple, a monkey can send out email! But if you want a campaign that will yield real results, follow the steps we took for a retail client.       How to Create an Email Campaign Hi. I’m Angela Cason, Founder of TEMPO Strategic. Welcome to the first episode of “The Score.” The Score
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Data-Drive your business – think like Amazon

Did we tell you this was coming, or what? Data-driven marketing is the new normal for CMOs. But few in the C-suite grasp the opportunity the ownership of data represents. Jeff Bezos, as usual, is defining the curve. Sure, as the New York Times reports, the disruptive power of Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods has the investment world in
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The Importance of Experimentation in Optimizing your Campaigns

Think with Google just published a Sprint case history showing the sales bump from the “digital halo.” That’s a marketing term that loosely translates to “everything that happens because of digital engagement doesn’t necessarily happen in the digital world.”  In Sprint’s case, digital sales from an increase in digital spend went up 22%. That’s great. Even better was the “halo”
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