Archives for Retail

How to set up an email campaign for retail results

Today’s email platforms make it so simple, a monkey can send out email! But if you want a campaign that will yield real results, follow the steps we took for a retail client.       How to Create an Email Campaign Hi. I’m Angela Cason, Founder of TEMPO Strategic. Welcome to the first episode of “The Score.” The Score
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Data-Drive your business – think like Amazon

Did we tell you this was coming, or what? Data-driven marketing is the new normal for CMOs. But few in the C-suite grasp the opportunity the ownership of data represents. Jeff Bezos, as usual, is defining the curve. Sure, as the New York Times reports, the disruptive power of Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods has the investment world in
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140 Bites – Trendwatching at the Fancy Food Show

Who wouldn’t love the New York Fancy Food Show?  Walking around eating in the name of specialty food marketing is something I look forward to every year.  The other treat? Trendwatching.  There was the year of mustards, the year of salsas, the year of artisanal chocolates, the year of tea.  This year? Quick high-impact bites.  Brownie Brittle  delivers just the
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Specialty Food Brands – David versus Goliath battles

  We worked with Rena through the creative food company she founded in 2000 with Tom Eckerle, Soup to Nuts.  Together they created and photographed over 200 recipes for our agency client, Arla Foods. Rena’s expertise in every aspect of food, from recipe creation for the home cook to food service design to the taste preferences of individual markets, was
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Pinterest Marketing Matures for CPGs

Boris is the keeper of the data around here and he called me over the other day all excited.  I looked over his shoulder at the client’s website analytics and he pointed to where Pinterest had surpassed Google as the number one driver to their website.  This is huge, people. With 70 million users – 80% of them female, Pinterest
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Food Marketers for CPGs Seeking the Secret Weapon – News from the Food Aisle

Part of our job (the fun part) as food marketers is to keep up with digital and mobile innovations.   Some clever solutions are in beta with major brands, and if they can train consumers to use them, they’ll do magic: enhance the shopping experience and help brands make noise at point of purchase. Overcoming Point Of Purchase Block Point of
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Powering Ecommerce with Pinterest

Like you, we’ve watched explode in popularity over the last eight months. Has it occurred to you how  fascinating it is that, at its inception, the direction of Pinterest’s development was open to interpretation?  The concept was simple: pin up pictures of things you like.  Maybe the crowd would turn it into YouTube with photos, or maybe a visual Tumblr. Who knew where
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Mobile Apps and Emerging Mobile Technologies. Mobile Series Part 4

We recently spoke to retailers and food manufacturers at the National Association of  Specialty Food Marketers convention in D.C., on mobile marketing changes and how to effectively implement the technology. To make the info more digestible, we’ve divided the powerpoint/audio into 5 parts. Part One– How Does Mobile Behavior Affect Consumer Behavior? Part Two– QR Code Best Practices Part Three–
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Retailers: Put Your Business Goals First Online

One of the trickiest questions in marketing is ‘what should we put on our website?’ So where do you start? With your business goals, of course.  Yet you’d be amazed how many sites don’t work that way. For instance, grocery retailers love to put list-making apps on their sites. You’ve seen them – ‘make your grocery list now and print
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The Psychology of Social Sampling

Free samples are one of the most tried-and-true ways to get people to love your product, but “social sampling” goes a step further by tapping into deeply rooted psychological principles.
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