Facebook vs. the Splinternet

The challenge upon us now is the Splinternet — Forrester’s term for the fractionalizing of the web due to multiple apps, platforms, and devices.  (More at  http://bit.ly/cvFm2r).

If all these options are making you nostalgic for good old mass marketing, here’s a bit of good news — a recent study by the Pew Internet & American Life Project shows that the freqency belongs to Facebook.

You can check out the charges in full, but what stood out to us was that 48% of 18 to 34 year olds check Facebook when they wake up…that’s no small factoid. Good to know that, Google + notwithstanding, you can look to power numbers like Facebook’s to aggregate your audience.

Want more? Read this article to learn more about studies like  and ROI Research have showed us how offline habits are effected by social network participation.