If you’ve been putting off updating your site to make it a responsive website, we’re here to incite you to make the change NOW.
UPDATE: Google shared a new testing tool. They also shared with the world that mobile friendliness will impact your search ranking. So even if your site gets 70% desktop traffic it will probably not rank as well in Search Result Pages if it is not considered “mobile friendly. (All of our client sites are mobile friendly and passed the test. Is yours?)
Reason #1: 25% of internet users only use a mobile device. Ever. Can you live without 25% of your potential customers? Didn’t think so.
Reason #2: 46% of consumers will never come back to your site if it isn’t responsive, and 61% will go back to Google to pick a competitor’s site.
Got your attention? Here’s the data you need to get buy-in:
Mobilestorm published the latest smartphone stats in September this year http://t.co/WDGS7cK8n6

U.S. Smartphone Ownership Reaches 71.8 Percent Mobile Market Penetration
Every website should be mobile optimized. Have a look at the infographic below to understand better what responsive design is.