Archives for New Digital Tools

How to Create Lead Form Facebook and Instagram Ads(March 2019)

Sections: What are Lead form ads? How to set up Lead Generation ads Step-by-Step Guide to Setting up Lead Generation Ads How to Create an Instant Form to collect leads directly on Facebook/Instagram If you’re reading this, you’ve likely hit a snag when creating a Lead Form [or Lead Generation] campaign on Facebook Ads Manager, so you turned to Google,
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Data-Drive your business – think like Amazon

Did we tell you this was coming, or what? Data-driven marketing is the new normal for CMOs. But few in the C-suite grasp the opportunity the ownership of data represents. Jeff Bezos, as usual, is defining the curve. Sure, as the New York Times reports, the disruptive power of Amazon’s purchase of Whole Foods has the investment world in
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Should you advertise with Amazon? Social Media partner with programmatic platforms to power new ways to target advertising

Ad platforms aren’t just for advertising networks anymore.. The social media giants have awoken to the power of their own databases are are partnering with Demand Side Platforms (DSPs) to deliver custom networks to advertisers. Amazon has launched the Amazon Advertising Platform, Facebook Audience Network is booming, and Quora is jumping in. Here’s what you need to know. Back up
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How to make marketing technology choices when there are 7000 options

  When we started TEMPO in 2010, our mission was to help clients make the marketing technology decisions that fit their business goals.  That’s still the mission, but in eight years, the marketing choices clients are faced with have exploded. If you’re a marketer, how in the world do you choose the right technology? Let’s see if we can help
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Responsive websites explained and why your business needs to have it now!

If you’ve been putting off updating your site to make it a responsive website, we’re here to incite you to make the change NOW. UPDATE: Google shared a new testing tool. They also shared with the world that mobile friendliness will impact your search ranking. So even if your site gets 70% desktop traffic it will probably not rank as well
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Pinterest Marketing Matures for CPGs

Boris is the keeper of the data around here and he called me over the other day all excited.  I looked over his shoulder at the client’s website analytics and he pointed to where Pinterest had surpassed Google as the number one driver to their website.  This is huge, people. With 70 million users – 80% of them female, Pinterest
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The Millennial Behavior Change and How Education Marketing Must Adapt

As an education marketer, you have more stakeholders with more different needs than any other sector. Prospective students, parents, alumni, faculty and administration pull your messaging in different directions. How do you serve all masters – especially the millennials who have abandoned most traditional channels of communication? Well, there may be a new set of tools that can help you
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Food Marketers for CPGs Seeking the Secret Weapon – News from the Food Aisle

Part of our job (the fun part) as food marketers is to keep up with digital and mobile innovations.   Some clever solutions are in beta with major brands, and if they can train consumers to use them, they’ll do magic: enhance the shopping experience and help brands make noise at point of purchase. Overcoming Point Of Purchase Block Point of
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Top Planning Tools for 2014

Is it August already?  For the kids it’s back to school, for the rest of us, it’s time to lock and load on our marketing plans for 2014.  If your frontal lobe is a bit rusty, these will help: some of our favorite planning tools and overviews. The Things to Come This will get you started with a 30,000-foot perspective. 
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